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Thread: More frequent updates

⁠N⁠e⁠w⁠ ⁠R⁠e⁠p⁠l⁠y⁠

More frequent updates by Anonymous
So from now on I'll try to bring bug fixes, patches and updates out more frequently and not wait 3 month inbetween each release

Tue 2014-05-06 16:46 UTC No. 127 [X]
Re: More frequent updates by Anonymous
I guess I'll start with finally adding the post timeout in v1.9.2 even though the captcha should be sufficient, I also need to fix a bug where if you load a board/site/whatever for the first time it won't have a visible style until you refresh it

Tue 2014-05-06 16:51 UTC No. 128 [X]

⁠N⁠e⁠w⁠ ⁠R⁠e⁠p⁠l⁠y⁠

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